Summer is an important season for Realtors

Summer is a season that we all await. Most of us start making plans to enjoy the warm weather, enjoy a well-deserved vacation, or just relax in our own home or community.

But the summer is also a critical season for the real estate industry. Data indicates that during the summer months, transactions are well above-trend. Economists and data scientists debate why this happens, year after year. One of the most commonly cited reasons is that many homebuyers are heads of families with children of school age. So, right after summer, September is back-to-school season. Before that happens, parents need to secure a home and a school. Thus, the summer becomes home purchase decision time.

There are other practical reasons. Good weather makes driving to a listing easier, showtimes are longer, and houses look their best. It is easier for clients to picture themselves living and enjoying their potential new homes.

No vacations for real estate marketing

So whatever your plans for the summer are, do not give a vacation to your real estate marketing plans. For all the reasons mentioned above, this is when you must be better prepared to attract the best leads, engage them with your listings, and close sales.

As we in WALKINTOUR have mentioned before, digital is the cornerstone of any effective real estate marketing plan in today’s real estate market. The digital environment is where people who sell and buy houses meet and establish conversations and business relationships.

Get ready for the Summer

Our advice for a more robust summer real estate marketing plan is:

  1. If you use social media, post content about the season and how you celebrate it. Show that you are part of a vibrant community where living is attractive.
  2. If you keep a blog about real estate, consider a link-building strategy with content producers that speak about what is happening during the summer in the communities that you target.
  3. And always use high-quality photography in all of your digital marketing. For example, no matter how tight the real estate market you participate in, homes with good photos sell faster and at higher prices.
  4. Post content that is relevant to the summer season. If your area has great light during the late summer evenings, take some twitlight shots to capture your listingsโ€™ uniqueness.

We can help you have the best Summer sales ever

WALKINTOUR can help you with implementing your best summer real estate marketing ever. Realtors can ensure that they get the most out of the peak summer sales season with our single-site websites, aerial video and photography, cinematic video, and many other products.
